My daughter started attending The Foxton Centre youth club and she instantly loved it and became a huge part of the Foxton family. Spending time with her friends, doing many activities and learning new things. As a mother I feel The Foxton Centre is a massive part of our community. It brings people together, helps and supports us all, especially our children. I love being part of The Foxton Centre family too, as a photographer, I have volunteered my time on many occasions, taking photos and capturing some amazing memories, for ourselves and the staff I feel honoured and proud to be a part of such a wonderful place, watching our children and the Centre grow. It truly is a great place for all.
Mother of youth and community, Services user
I was born and raised in Preston, specifically Avenham. I moved out of Avenham when I was 16 to live in semi-independence alone. This time in my life was difficult however I had lots of support from The Foxton Centre. I was introduced to The Foxton Centre when I was a child as my friends from the area had told me about it. I started off in the junior group and eventually progressed into the senior group.
This is where I gained a bond with the staff members and became more involved in The Foxton Centre. A group was formed for certain seniors that were picked by staff called Youth Forum in which I was asked to be a part of. In Youth Forum we would be a part of things such as having a say in what happens with Foxton and what we want for the groups etc. A part of this was bidding and getting the funding for The Foxton Centre. Together we raised £2.4 million for the Foxton Centre which took a lot of hard work and determination but was something I am very proud to have been a part of. Eventually I realised that volunteering in groups and doing things for The Foxton Centre was what I enjoyed and in December 2023 I was employed as a part time worker.
My journey with The Foxton Centre began 10 years ago and still continues to this day and I will forever be grateful for the centre as it has been like a second home to me, and I hope to bring that to other young people and others in the community who need more support and security in their life.
Youth and community, Services user
I came to the Foxton nearly twelve years ago after a year of intense drug rehabilitation. On and off I became involved with the allotment project which helped me to get out of where I was staying at the time. I found life extremely hard adapting to after 30 plus years of alcohol and drugs and all that involves.
I found out that I wasn’t getting better, as others seemed to, as I had secondary illnesses undiagnosed. I was, and still, can be very maladjusted to life and struggle to keep up with changing systems and in society and the world in general.
The Foxton has never let me slip through the net. It has been there to drag me out of the darkness so many times. Breakdowns, countless struggles, the confusion of systems and benefits and direction for help in countless ways.
To date, 12 and a half years on, I have not picked up drugs or drink by the Grace of God and good people that have cared seen my need even when I couldn’t and was lost mentally physically and spiritually and kept me feeling safe and given me a sense of security that I have never experienced in my life. I do what I am able to help out.
But no price can be put on what the Foxton has given and obviously does for me. And countless others I met along the way. Never known anyplace like it. A gift from God. That has and still does save my life. And helps so many others on their struggles in countless ways through the pressures and struggles of living and life. That can be and are so confusing and isolating. No other service has come anywhere near the standard of personal care for me than the Foxton Centre. And I have been through the system so can say this from real experience.
Youth and community, Services user
Amazing grace. The service provides much-needed warmth to those battling the cold. Having access to a hot shower is a true blessing. I give them a well-deserved 10/10.
It keeps mental stability and social aspect. Good for mental health and social inclusion.
Because when your down and out you realise there are people out there that actually care.
They help me out, give me food when I’m hungry. They’re always there when you need them.
The Foxton have been a life saver for me and my partner. They have helped us get back on our feet. I want to start volunteering, I used to be a cleaner so can help clean the centre. I want to give something back and help others now were in a better place.
The Foxton has saved my life. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here today. They truly are amazing.
The Foxton help us both with our ID, benefits, leave to remain. They help set up meetings. They are very helpful; they help us so much. Helped my brother a few years ago now help me. English is difficult sometimes, but they always help. Help us with accommodation.
Michal, Patryk (brothers)
The Foxton is what I know, it’s tradition. The Foxton has helped me come from underground. I now have a nice flat, I feel safe, nice neighbours. I now get Universal credits. I like coming to the centre to see and talk to people, it’s my community.
The Foxton helps a lot of people, they put people first before themselves, they make sure everybody is OK. I have just got out of prison and come straight to the centre, I want to sort my life out and volunteering always help me keep on track, I can’t wait to start again.
I need the help and support to get back on my feet, when times are hard or have been a struggle throughout some situations that have occurred at different stages and times in my own life. Thank you for all your support and help appreciation is vital.
I would be lost without the Women’s Centre and there would be days were I would go hungry. They are a place of safety and comfort and as for Lynda, she means the world too me. She is always there for me and I walk away feeling 100% better in myself. Love Ya!
A safe welcoming calm space, where us women are all equals and mostly want the best for each other. It’s the calm amongst the storm we live in!
Foxton Women’s Services is extremely important to me because of the other women, they do so much for us, we would be lost without them. They mean more to me than I think they will ever know and I truly believe that they have saved at least one woman’s life over the years, if not more. The centre is also important because it’s the routine and I actually look forward to that (and Lynn’s cakes!
It’s an absolute pleasure to volunteer with the Foxton team. Everyone is treated as an equal and it’s a wonderful community to be part of. To be invited to volunteer with a team of people that dedicate so much time and effort into our community is something I’m truly grateful for. I enjoy volunteering as it gives me opportunity to give something back to the community, to offer support to others, to listen, to have meaningful conversations, for social interactions and because I care and believe in the work they do.
As a volunteer at the Foxton day centre, it opened my eyes to a lot of different aspects of the day to day running of the day centre and the help that was available. But also, the shortfalls the government needs to sort out to help people to get back on their feet. The staff within all aspects of the Foxton deserve a lot of respect and praise for the job they do. My time at the day centre as a volunteer I was made to feel welcome by both staff and service users., and once listening to people’s stories realising how homelessness and addition can happen to or effect anybody from any background. I am grateful to the Foxton for the experience and highly recommend anyone to go and spend some quality time to open their eyes to all ways of life and how they come together as a community.
It’s rewarding to give something back to your local community. I feel it’s important that the people that we serve deserve to get a good breakfast.
Working with the Foxton team and service users is a joy. The team is friendly and supportive, enabling me and my colleagues to focus on session delivery rather than managing behaviour of those not participating.
The new timetable that’s posted on the whiteboard is great because people know what to expect. Over the past couple of months, the team have been brilliant at gently encouraging people to take part and talking to people about the sessions.
Seeing the service users grow in confidence with the drumming was brilliant, it’s very frightening for people who have experienced a lot of judgement and criticism in their lives to try new things but when they did try and experienced no judgement the joy was lovely to see. If staff had been available to join in, I think that would have helped participation too. Service users reported feeling calm, their heads clear and a sense of pride when drumming.
Service users said they really enjoyed listening to me drum as a sound therapy and that the atmosphere felt calm when that was the case.
The massage sessions are incredibly popular. The service users very visible relax and report that they feel relaxed and free of pain. It was great that staff tried the sessions so that they could encourage service users to give it a go and now there is strong encouragement amongst service users to give it a go.
Some of the service users have also come along to sessions at Mandala and as I live and work in town, we see each other around town and have a chat which helps us all feel a sense of belonging and being valued.
The Foxton team meet everyone with respect and care while maintaining boundaries.
Emma Lowther Wight, Mandala centre
The Foxton Centre is a great resource for all those that ‘fall through the cracks’. They’re the last hope for many people and can be reliably counted on to provide people with the basics they require, like a hot meal and a shower. They treat people with decency and dignity whatever their story is.
Nicola Dewhurst, Probation officer
The Foxton Centre is not only a safe space for our service users, but they communicate well with us as probation practitioners ensuring we are aware of any concerns they have and that we can reach out to them for support and advice.
Sheila Chouteau, Probation officer
Foxton Centre is proactive about contacting us about concerns and are a great resource for people to drop into. They are helpful for those who are not able (or willing) to be housed, so that there can be regular contact and monitoring of them, rather than them falling off the radar while homeless. People on Probation speak well of them.
Geoffrey Godber, Probation officer
Foxton Centre is a really useful link between agencies for those really hard to engage people.
Joanne Corbett, Probation officer
Gemma Wilson is fabulous. She always responds to calls/texts. She was a great support to one of my cases and would help him get to appointments and verbalise his issues when he struggled to. She would always alert me to any concerns around his wellbeing or behaviour in a timely manner.
Natalie Kearsley, Probation officer
Out of all our major stakeholders, the organisation that means the most to me (personally and professionally), and our service users, is the Foxton Centre. In this world of acute financial crisis, housing crisis and health crisis, I believe that the Foxton Centre is instrumental in keeping people alive. This sounds like a fundamental component of living in a first world. But sadly, it isn’t.
Without the assistance of the Foxton Centre our community may not be fed, may not have access to health provision and they may become more disenfranchised, and this would ultimately lead to more offending and more harm committed to the wider public of Preston. The Foxton Centre tirelessly, and without complaint, enter into the lives of some of the most hard-to-reach and complex people. Quite simply, the Probation Service in Preston would not function adequately without them.
Natalia Atkinson, Senior probation officer, Sentence Management
Those team members I have encountered are committed to the service-users and ensure the best possible outcomes are identified despite the many challenges and endless hurdles. The team are dedicated and passionate about Fox Street and those who use the services and facilities they are an inspiration.
Louise Fowler, Practice manager, Park Medical Practice
We believe that Foxton’s homeless drop-in centre is essential in providing immediate relief and support to homeless individuals while receiving help to facilitate their transition to more stable living conditions. We are fortunate to work with such a client-centred organisation who offer the opportunity and safe space for clients to receive a wide range of services that address basic needs, health care, social support, employment, and housing from other organisations.
Our staff always feel welcomed and have expressed how they believe the work the staff do and effort they put in to helping clients is amazing.
Marcelle Coulson, Shelter Team leader
I first started working with the Foxton staff three years ago while I was involved with the Changing Futures contract. During this time, I collaborated closely with the team to support homeless individuals in the Preston community, particularly those with complex needs who were often barred from many statutory services. One of the standout qualities of The Foxton is their unwavering commitment to supporting even the most challenging cases. Their forgiving and inclusive approach fosters continued engagement and promotes positive behaviour change among these individuals.
Foxton’s services extend beyond addressing rough sleeping and housing needs. They also offer essential medical and health interventions, along with daily psychosocial support through an open-door policy, which is increasingly rare these days. This holistic approach makes The Foxton a vital charity that seldom receives the recognition it truly deserves. They also run daily groups from their Preston base, covering a wide range of topics such as health, wellbeing, food, finance, budgeting, housing and employment advice, women’s groups, and much more.
I cannot emphasise enough how incredible the staff at the Foxton are. Their dedication and skill set form the core strength of the organization. Each staff member is worth their weight in gold and is a significant figure in the recovery community. In my experience working with Red Rose Recovery across various contracts, The Foxton has been instrumental in supporting both my staff and our contract goals. They have played a crucial role in helping us engage with the homeless community and achieve positive outcomes through collaborative efforts.
Recently, I have had the pleasure of working with the Foxton to deliver music therapy sessions every Friday at the centre. This initiative has had a profound impact on the daily lives of individuals, further showcasing The Foxton’s commitment to innovative and effective support services.
In conclusion, the Foxton is an indispensable asset to the community, driven by an exceptional team dedicated to making a real difference. Their comprehensive and compassionate approach sets a high standard for charitable organisations and continues to inspire positive change in the lives of many.
Terry Jacobson, Team Leader Red Rose
I think that the Foxton Centre is an amazing place. I love the non-judgmental way that the service users are accepted into the fold and gently supported in their needs. These people seem to get let down by so many agencies, so having access to medical services, housing support, food and washing facilities really helps them meet some of their basic needs. I’m very glad to hear that Drs and nurses will be starting a regular service. This is a great improvement.
Jen Royle, Director/Podiatrist
Over the past 18 months, I have worked closely with the staff at the Foxton, building a solid partnership to support the most vulnerable people in our city.
Over this time, I have felt constantly overwhelmed by their commitment, vision, and passion. No matter what support a family needs they are on hand to listen and help. The skilled, professional staff are highly knowledgeable and experienced in the challenges that people are facing. You can guarantee you will always be met with respect and a smile.
As a service working with families, the Foxton Centre is essential to enable me to provide a holistic support package that not only meets the family’s needs but encourages them to fulfil and exceed their potential.
The Foxton Centre are a flagship service for young people and encompasses the phrase ‘Every Child Matters.’ They provide opportunities to allow young people to see a brighter future.
They really do make a difference to people’s lives and a difference to professionals in their work.
Lisa Butterworth Mill Bank
I feel that the Foxton has a massive impact on people’s lives from what I have experienced over the last year and a half since we started delivering the art project in partnership with the Foxton. I have seen the holistic way that each individual is cared for and supported. Every person that I have witnessed the Foxton supporting, seems to get treated without judgement and with lots of hope. For example, the weekly art project that we facilitate together is not just a weekly art project. All sorts of personal issues are brought to the table by the people that use the Foxton Centre as a service and the Foxton staff seem experienced and specialists in their field.
They seem well connected to other services and this is the key in my opinion of what works for the individuals in need.
The Foxton is well established in Preston and well known for genuinely serving the community and I think this makes them a respected organisation. I would never hesitate to refer someone that needed support to Foxton services for help.
Kyra Milne, Communities Officer, Harris Museum and Art Gallery
We’ve been working with the Foxton Centre for over four years, and they’ve been a huge support in helping reduce the ASB issues in Preston, in particular McDonald’s Friargate restaurant. They regularly use our restaurant space to hold meetings with young people in supporting them with their needs, and this has shown to help reduce the trouble we’ve been having late afternoon into the evening. We have a great relationship with Cath and the team, and we know that if we need their help they’ll be on hand to support us.
Kelly Houghton, McDonalds
Working with the Foxton Centre has been incredible over the past year and their response to the needs of young people across Preston is insightful, proactive and valued.
The ‘Team Around the School and Setting’ model depends on collaboration with partners who understand the emerging issues across our schools and the importance of a solution focused partnership to address these. The Foxton Centre provides that response and is therefore a key agency for schools and young people in Preston.
Alison Walsh, Education Partnership Officer, Preston and South Ribble, Lancashire County Council
The Foxton staff have also supported our school in running groups, completing direct work within school and staffing our Summer school trips with some of our most vulnerable children, mentoring and offering a positive role model, which is much needed and appreciated. They will also be helping out at our Summer school fayre.
We support each other in encouraging children / families to make use of positive activities within the Centre. The Foxton Centre has been established for many years, and has supported many projects throughout those years, it is very popular with the youths/ families in the area and is much appreciated by our school community. The Centre is a big part of our community and the children who attend really enjoy attending, they speak highly of the youth clubs and members of staff that support the running of the centre. Parents speak positively of the Foxton Centre, as it gives the children something to do and diverts them away from crime and anti -social behaviour.
I believe the Foxton Centre to be a much needed and welcomed.
Lynn Catterall, Family Support Safeguarding & Pastoral Lead, St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School
Preston City Council has been working closely with the Foxton Centre on two major pieces of work that are helping the young people of Preston with many different aspects of their life.
The first piece of work is the development of a Preston Youth Strategy that youth forum delivery partners in Preston are collaborating on to have a more cohesive and youth led strategy for the city. Preston City Council and The Foxton centre have worked extremely closely on this development we have fostered a great working relationship which has enabled us to put on great youth participation events, a great youth consultation exercise and brought youth partners togethers for the greater goal of improving life for young people in Preston.
We have also collaborated well on the development of the Preston Youth Forum and the Foxton Centre have been really accommodating providing a venue, young people and staff time for meetings to take place and also letting us utilise their expertise on interactive workshop methods that have helped conversations take place that have been very creative and productive in developing a strong offer for the Preston Youth Forum.
The Foxton centre are an integral part of the Youth Strategy and Youth Forum development, and their joint working and knowledge is going to be very important to the future development of youth services in the city.
Marc Dunne, Community Engagement Officer, Preston City Council
We are really proud to work closely with the Foxton Centre. Without them, many young people would go without vital support needed to ensure they are able to thrive.
The work that the centre carries out to support those within our local community is outstanding and the whole team’s commitment to supporting the young people in Preston can be felt across our city.
Chief Inspector Julie Rawsthorne, South Division
The Children & Family Wellbeing Service (CFW) value the Foxton Centre as early help partners. The Foxton Centre has played a significant role within the progression and development of The Family Hubs Network in the Preston district.
Whilst reflecting upon the current need in the local area, the Youth and Communities team at Foxton identified that there was an increase in families with younger children in the local community.
Although there is not normally a direct offer for younger children (Early Years) at The Foxton Centre they made it a priority to explore how this need could be met. As a result, the Children and Family Wellbeing Service (Neighbourhood & Communities Team) have for some while been facilitating weekly ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for them.
During the sessions the children have had the opportunity to develop their early speech, language, and communication skills and experience a safe environment with planned stimulating activities. During the sessions parents / carers have been able to gain peer support from each other and find out about other elements of Early Help support that is accessible to them including funded nursery places. This has been a really good example of good collaborative working between partners.
The current Youth and Community offer being in a temporary building has not been a barrier to families and young people accessing support from The Foxton Centre. The environment despite being temporary, is warm, welcoming, safe, and accessible to some of the most vulnerable people in Preston including young people that are open to the Family Intensive Support Team in CFW.
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service, The Pukar Disability Resource Centre and The Foxton Centre collaboratively planned a Family Hubs Network celebration event which successfully took place on the 13th May 2024 with the Foxton Centre and Pukar Disability Resource Centre hosting together at Oakham Court. The celebration event involved several of our other Early Help Partners who shared what services they offered including advice and guidance around employment, training & education, mental health, emotional wellbeing, home safety, drugs, alcohol and smoking services, food aid, SEND services for children, young people, and adults along with various youth support. In response to this Early Help partners have been able to remove potential barriers to families and young people accessing Early Help support by bringing their service offer direct to them in a familiar community setting.
There are times when the needs and complexities of young people and their wider families require specialist intervention to reduce the risks and meet their needs despite the level 2 (Lancashire Continuum of need) community offer being explored and at times exhausted. The strong links that CFW have developed with Foxton have enabled us to work together to meet the individual needs of our young people and their wider families. Alongside our Family Intensive Support workers, the Foxton youth workers support and contribute to Early Help Assessments, TAF Reviews and Early Help Plans. The above helps young people have their voice heard, build and secure relationships that make them feel safe and have a consistent multi-agency approach.
Michelle Orrell, Senior Family Support Worker, Preston Community Team, LCC Children & Family Wellbeing Service
I have worked alongside the Foxton Centre for several years in my role as Social Investment Specialist at Onward Homes. The Foxton Centre’s contribution to Preston and the lives of the people that it serves, particularly the young people of the city, cannot be underestimated. The Foxton and its staff play a key role in supporting the local community, acting as a catalyst for significant social change and impact. I have seen with my own eyes how they have helped so many young people in particular be their best, often in some very challenging circumstances.
Scott Breton, Social Investment Specialist, Onward Homes
My daughter started attending The Foxton Centre youth club and she instantly loved it and became a huge part of the Foxton family. Spending time with her friends, doing many activities and learning new things. As a mother I feel The Foxton Centre is a massive part of our community. It brings people together, helps and supports us all, especially our children. I love being part of The Foxton Centre family too, as a photographer, I have volunteered my time on many occasions, taking photos and capturing some amazing memories, for ourselves and the staff I feel honoured and proud to be a part of such a wonderful place, watching our children and the Centre grow. It truly is a great place for all.
Mother of Youth and Community, Services user
I was born and raised in Preston, specifically Avenham. I moved out of Avenham when I was 16 to live in semi-independence alone. This time in my life was difficult however I had lots of support from The Foxton Centre. I was introduced to The Foxton Centre when I was a child as my friends from the area had told me about it. I started off in the junior group and eventually progressed into the senior group.
This is where I gained a bond with the staff members and became more involved in The Foxton Centre. A group was formed for certain seniors that were picked by staff called Youth Forum in which I was asked to be a part of. In Youth Forum we would be a part of things such as having a say in what happens with Foxton and what we want for the groups etc. A part of this was bidding and getting the funding for The Foxton Centre. Together we raised £2.4 million for the Foxton Centre which took a lot of hard work and determination but was something I am very proud to have been a part of. Eventually I realised that volunteering in groups and doing things for The Foxton Centre was what I enjoyed and in December 2023 I was employed as a part time worker.
My journey with The Foxton Centre began 10 years ago and still continues to this day and I will forever be grateful for the centre as it has been like a second home to me, and I hope to bring that to other young people and others in the community who need more support and security in their life.
Youth and Community, Services user
I came to the Foxton nearly twelve years ago after a year of intense drug rehabilitation. On and off I became involved with the allotment project which helped me to get out of where I was staying at the time. I found life extremely hard adapting to after 30 plus years of alcohol and drugs and all that involves.
I found out that I wasn’t getting better, as others seemed to, as I had secondary illnesses undiagnosed. I was, and still, can be very maladjusted to life and struggle to keep up with changing systems and in society and the world in general.
The Foxton has never let me slip through the net. It has been there to drag me out of the darkness so many times. Breakdowns, countless struggles, the confusion of systems and benefits and direction for help in countless ways.
To date, 12 and a half years on, I have not picked up drugs or drink by the Grace of God and good people that have cared seen my need even when I couldn’t and was lost mentally physically and spiritually and kept me feeling safe and given me a sense of security that I have never experienced in my life. I do what I am able to help out.
But no price can be put on what the Foxton has given and obviously does for me. And countless others I met along the way. Never known anyplace like it. A gift from God. That has and still does save my life. And helps so many others on their struggles in countless ways through the pressures and struggles of living and life. That can be and are so confusing and isolating. No other service has come anywhere near the standard of personal care for me than the Foxton Centre. And I have been through the system so can say this from real experience.
Youth and Community, Services user
Amazing grace. The service provides much-needed warmth to those battling the cold. Having access to a hot shower is a true blessing. I give them a well-deserved 10/10.
It keeps mental stability and social aspect. Good for mental health and social inclusion.
Because when your down and out you realise there are people out there that actually care.
They help me out, give me food when I’m hungry. They’re always there when you need them.
The Foxton have been a life saver for me and my partner. They have helped us get back on our feet. I want to start volunteering, I used to be a cleaner so can help clean the centre. I want to give something back and help others now were in a better place.
The Foxton has saved my life. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here today. They truly are amazing.
The Foxton help us both with our ID, benefits, leave to remain. They help set up meetings. They are very helpful; they help us so much. Helped my brother a few years ago now help me. English is difficult sometimes, but they always help. Help us with accommodation.
Michal, Patryk (brothers)
The Foxton is what I know, it’s tradition. The Foxton has helped me come from underground. I now have a nice flat, I feel safe, nice neighbours. I now get Universal credits. I like coming to the centre to see and talk to people, it’s my community.
The Foxton helps a lot of people, they put people first before themselves, they make sure everybody is OK. I have just got out of prison and come straight to the centre, I want to sort my life out and volunteering always help me keep on track, I can’t wait to start again.
I need the help and support to get back on my feet, when times are hard or have been a struggle throughout some situations that have occurred at different stages and times in my own life. Thank you for all your support and help appreciation is vital.
I would be lost without the Women’s Centre and there would be days were I would go hungry. They are a place of safety and comfort and as for Lynda, she means the world too me. She is always there for me and I walk away feeling 100% better in myself. Love Ya!
A safe welcoming calm space, where us women are all equals and mostly want the best for each other. It’s the calm amongst the storm we live in!
Foxton Women’s Services is extremely important to me because of the other women, they do so much for us, we would be lost without them. They mean more to me than I think they will ever know and I truly believe that they have saved at least one woman’s life over the years, if not more. The centre is also important because it’s the routine and I actually look forward to that (and Lynn’s cakes!
It’s an absolute pleasure to volunteer with the Foxton team. Everyone is treated as an equal and it’s a wonderful community to be part of. To be invited to volunteer with a team of people that dedicate so much time and effort into our community is something I’m truly grateful for. I enjoy volunteering as it gives me opportunity to give something back to the community, to offer support to others, to listen, to have meaningful conversations, for social interactions and because I care and believe in the work they do.
As a volunteer at the Foxton day centre, it opened my eyes to a lot of different aspects of the day to day running of the day centre and the help that was available. But also, the shortfalls the government needs to sort out to help people to get back on their feet. The staff within all aspects of the Foxton deserve a lot of respect and praise for the job they do. My time at the day centre as a volunteer I was made to feel welcome by both staff and service users., and once listening to people’s stories realising how homelessness and addition can happen to or effect anybody from any background. I am grateful to the Foxton for the experience and highly recommend anyone to go and spend some quality time to open their eyes to all ways of life and how they come together as a community.
It’s rewarding to give something back to your local community. I feel it’s important that the people that we serve deserve to get a good breakfast.
Working with the Foxton team and service users is a joy. The team is friendly and supportive, enabling me and my colleagues to focus on session delivery rather than managing behaviour of those not participating.
The new timetable that’s posted on the whiteboard is great because people know what to expect. Over the past couple of months, the team have been brilliant at gently encouraging people to take part and talking to people about the sessions.
Seeing the service users grow in confidence with the drumming was brilliant, it’s very frightening for people who have experienced a lot of judgement and criticism in their lives to try new things but when they did try and experienced no judgement the joy was lovely to see. If staff had been available to join in, I think that would have helped participation too. Service users reported feeling calm, their heads clear and a sense of pride when drumming.
Service users said they really enjoyed listening to me drum as a sound therapy and that the atmosphere felt calm when that was the case.
The massage sessions are incredibly popular. The service users very visible relax and report that they feel relaxed and free of pain. It was great that staff tried the sessions so that they could encourage service users to give it a go and now there is strong encouragement amongst service users to give it a go.
Some of the service users have also come along to sessions at Mandala and as I live and work in town, we see each other around town and have a chat which helps us all feel a sense of belonging and being valued.
The Foxton team meet everyone with respect and care while maintaining boundaries.
Emma Lowther Wight, Mandala centre
The Foxton Centre is a great resource for all those that ‘fall through the cracks’. They’re the last hope for many people and can be reliably counted on to provide people with the basics they require, like a hot meal and a shower. They treat people with decency and dignity whatever their story is.
Nicola Dewhurst, Probation officer
The Foxton Centre is not only a safe space for our service users, but they communicate well with us as probation practitioners ensuring we are aware of any concerns they have and that we can reach out to them for support and advice.
Sheila Chouteau, Probation officer
Foxton Centre is proactive about contacting us about concerns and are a great resource for people to drop into. They are helpful for those who are not able (or willing) to be housed, so that there can be regular contact and monitoring of them, rather than them falling off the radar while homeless. People on Probation speak well of them.
Geoffrey Godber, Probation officer
Foxton Centre is a really useful link between agencies for those really hard to engage people.
Joanne Corbett, Probation officer
Gemma Wilson is fabulous. She always responds to calls/texts. She was a great support to one of my cases and would help him get to appointments and verbalise his issues when he struggled to. She would always alert me to any concerns around his wellbeing or behaviour in a timely manner.
Natalie Kearsley, Probation officer
Out of all our major stakeholders, the organisation that means the most to me (personally and professionally), and our service users, is the Foxton Centre. In this world of acute financial crisis, housing crisis and health crisis, I believe that the Foxton Centre is instrumental in keeping people alive. This sounds like a fundamental component of living in a first world. But sadly, it isn’t.
Without the assistance of the Foxton Centre our community may not be fed, may not have access to health provision and they may become more disenfranchised, and this would ultimately lead to more offending and more harm committed to the wider public of Preston. The Foxton Centre tirelessly, and without complaint, enter into the lives of some of the most hard-to-reach and complex people. Quite simply, the Probation Service in Preston would not function adequately without them.
Natalia Atkinson, Senior probation officer, Sentence Management
Those team members I have encountered are committed to the service-users and ensure the best possible outcomes are identified despite the many challenges and endless hurdles. The team are dedicated and passionate about Fox Street and those who use the services and facilities they are an inspiration.
Louise Fowler, Practice manager, Park Medical Practice
We believe that Foxton’s homeless drop-in centre is essential in providing immediate relief and support to homeless individuals while receiving help to facilitate their transition to more stable living conditions. We are fortunate to work with such a client-centred organisation who offer the opportunity and safe space for clients to receive a wide range of services that address basic needs, health care, social support, employment, and housing from other organisations.
Our staff always feel welcomed and have expressed how they believe the work the staff do and effort they put in to helping clients is amazing.
Marcelle Coulson, Shelter Team leader
I first started working with the Foxton staff three years ago while I was involved with the Changing Futures contract. During this time, I collaborated closely with the team to support homeless individuals in the Preston community, particularly those with complex needs who were often barred from many statutory services. One of the standout qualities of The Foxton is their unwavering commitment to supporting even the most challenging cases. Their forgiving and inclusive approach fosters continued engagement and promotes positive behaviour change among these individuals.
Foxton’s services extend beyond addressing rough sleeping and housing needs. They also offer essential medical and health interventions, along with daily psychosocial support through an open-door policy, which is increasingly rare these days. This holistic approach makes The Foxton a vital charity that seldom receives the recognition it truly deserves. They also run daily groups from their Preston base, covering a wide range of topics such as health, wellbeing, food, finance, budgeting, housing and employment advice, women’s groups, and much more.
I cannot emphasise enough how incredible the staff at the Foxton are. Their dedication and skill set form the core strength of the organization. Each staff member is worth their weight in gold and is a significant figure in the recovery community. In my experience working with Red Rose Recovery across various contracts, The Foxton has been instrumental in supporting both my staff and our contract goals. They have played a crucial role in helping us engage with the homeless community and achieve positive outcomes through collaborative efforts.
Recently, I have had the pleasure of working with the Foxton to deliver music therapy sessions every Friday at the centre. This initiative has had a profound impact on the daily lives of individuals, further showcasing The Foxton’s commitment to innovative and effective support services.
In conclusion, the Foxton is an indispensable asset to the community, driven by an exceptional team dedicated to making a real difference. Their comprehensive and compassionate approach sets a high standard for charitable organisations and continues to inspire positive change in the lives of many.
Terry Jacobson, Team Leader Red Rose
I think that the Foxton Centre is an amazing place. I love the non-judgmental way that the service users are accepted into the fold and gently supported in their needs. These people seem to get let down by so many agencies, so having access to medical services, housing support, food and washing facilities really helps them meet some of their basic needs. I’m very glad to hear that Drs and nurses will be starting a regular service. This is a great improvement.
Jen Royle, Director/Podiatrist
Over the past 18 months, I have worked closely with the staff at the Foxton, building a solid partnership to support the most vulnerable people in our city.
Over this time, I have felt constantly overwhelmed by their commitment, vision, and passion. No matter what support a family needs they are on hand to listen and help. The skilled, professional staff are highly knowledgeable and experienced in the challenges that people are facing. You can guarantee you will always be met with respect and a smile.
As a service working with families, the Foxton Centre is essential to enable me to provide a holistic support package that not only meets the family’s needs but encourages them to fulfil and exceed their potential.
The Foxton Centre are a flagship service for young people and encompasses the phrase ‘Every Child Matters.’ They provide opportunities to allow young people to see a brighter future.
They really do make a difference to people’s lives and a difference to professionals in their work.
Lisa Butterworth Mill Bank
I feel that the Foxton has a massive impact on people’s lives from what I have experienced over the last year and a half since we started delivering the art project in partnership with the Foxton. I have seen the holistic way that each individual is cared for and supported. Every person that I have witnessed the Foxton supporting, seems to get treated without judgement and with lots of hope. For example, the weekly art project that we facilitate together is not just a weekly art project. All sorts of personal issues are brought to the table by the people that use the Foxton Centre as a service and the Foxton staff seem experienced and specialists in their field.
They seem well connected to other services and this is the key in my opinion of what works for the individuals in need.
The Foxton is well established in Preston and well known for genuinely serving the community and I think this makes them a respected organisation. I would never hesitate to refer someone that needed support to Foxton services for help.
Kyra Milne, Communities Officer, Harris Museum and Art Gallery
We’ve been working with the Foxton Centre for over four years, and they’ve been a huge support in helping reduce the ASB issues in Preston, in particular McDonald’s Friargate restaurant. They regularly use our restaurant space to hold meetings with young people in supporting them with their needs, and this has shown to help reduce the trouble we’ve been having late afternoon into the evening. We have a great relationship with Cath and the team, and we know that if we need their help they’ll be on hand to support us.
Kelly Houghton, McDonalds
Working with the Foxton Centre has been incredible over the past year and their response to the needs of young people across Preston is insightful, proactive and valued.
The ‘Team Around the School and Setting’ model depends on collaboration with partners who understand the emerging issues across our schools and the importance of a solution focused partnership to address these. The Foxton Centre provides that response and is therefore a key agency for schools and young people in Preston.
Alison Walsh, Education Partnership Officer, Preston and South Ribble, Lancashire County Council
The Foxton staff have also supported our school in running groups, completing direct work within school and staffing our Summer school trips with some of our most vulnerable children, mentoring and offering a positive role model, which is much needed and appreciated. They will also be helping out at our Summer school fayre.
We support each other in encouraging children / families to make use of positive activities within the Centre. The Foxton Centre has been established for many years, and has supported many projects throughout those years, it is very popular with the youths/ families in the area and is much appreciated by our school community. The Centre is a big part of our community and the children who attend really enjoy attending, they speak highly of the youth clubs and members of staff that support the running of the centre. Parents speak positively of the Foxton Centre, as it gives the children something to do and diverts them away from crime and anti -social behaviour.
I believe the Foxton Centre to be a much needed and welcomed.
Lynn Catterall, Family Support Safeguarding & Pastoral Lead, St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School
Preston City Council has been working closely with the Foxton Centre on two major pieces of work that are helping the young people of Preston with many different aspects of their life.
The first piece of work is the development of a Preston Youth Strategy that youth forum delivery partners in Preston are collaborating on to have a more cohesive and youth led strategy for the city. Preston City Council and The Foxton centre have worked extremely closely on this development we have fostered a great working relationship which has enabled us to put on great youth participation events, a great youth consultation exercise and brought youth partners togethers for the greater goal of improving life for young people in Preston.
We have also collaborated well on the development of the Preston Youth Forum and the Foxton Centre have been really accommodating providing a venue, young people and staff time for meetings to take place and also letting us utilise their expertise on interactive workshop methods that have helped conversations take place that have been very creative and productive in developing a strong offer for the Preston Youth Forum.
The Foxton centre are an integral part of the Youth Strategy and Youth Forum development, and their joint working and knowledge is going to be very important to the future development of youth services in the city.
Marc Dunne, Community Engagement Officer, Preston City Council
We are really proud to work closely with the Foxton Centre. Without them, many young people would go without vital support needed to ensure they are able to thrive.
The work that the centre carries out to support those within our local community is outstanding and the whole team’s commitment to supporting the young people in Preston can be felt across our city.
Chief Inspector Julie Rawsthorne, South Division
The Children & Family Wellbeing Service (CFW) value the Foxton Centre as early help partners. The Foxton Centre has played a significant role within the progression and development of The Family Hubs Network in the Preston district.
Whilst reflecting upon the current need in the local area, the Youth and Communities team at Foxton identified that there was an increase in families with younger children in the local community.
Although there is not normally a direct offer for younger children (Early Years) at The Foxton Centre they made it a priority to explore how this need could be met. As a result, the Children and Family Wellbeing Service (Neighbourhood & Communities Team) have for some while been facilitating weekly ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for them.
During the sessions the children have had the opportunity to develop their early speech, language, and communication skills and experience a safe environment with planned stimulating activities. During the sessions parents / carers have been able to gain peer support from each other and find out about other elements of Early Help support that is accessible to them including funded nursery places. This has been a really good example of good collaborative working between partners.
The current Youth and Community offer being in a temporary building has not been a barrier to families and young people accessing support from The Foxton Centre. The environment despite being temporary, is warm, welcoming, safe, and accessible to some of the most vulnerable people in Preston including young people that are open to the Family Intensive Support Team in CFW.
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service, The Pukar Disability Resource Centre and The Foxton Centre collaboratively planned a Family Hubs Network celebration event which successfully took place on the 13th May 2024 with the Foxton Centre and Pukar Disability Resource Centre hosting together at Oakham Court. The celebration event involved several of our other Early Help Partners who shared what services they offered including advice and guidance around employment, training & education, mental health, emotional wellbeing, home safety, drugs, alcohol and smoking services, food aid, SEND services for children, young people, and adults along with various youth support. In response to this Early Help partners have been able to remove potential barriers to families and young people accessing Early Help support by bringing their service offer direct to them in a familiar community setting.
There are times when the needs and complexities of young people and their wider families require specialist intervention to reduce the risks and meet their needs despite the level 2 (Lancashire Continuum of need) community offer being explored and at times exhausted. The strong links that CFW have developed with Foxton have enabled us to work together to meet the individual needs of our young people and their wider families. Alongside our Family Intensive Support workers, the Foxton youth workers support and contribute to Early Help Assessments, TAF Reviews and Early Help Plans. The above helps young people have their voice heard, build and secure relationships that make them feel safe and have a consistent multi-agency approach.
Michelle Orrell, Senior Family Support Worker, Preston Community Team, LCC Children & Family Wellbeing Service
I have worked alongside the Foxton Centre for several years in my role as Social Investment Specialist at Onward Homes. The Foxton Centre’s contribution to Preston and the lives of the people that it serves, particularly the young people of the city, cannot be underestimated. The Foxton and its staff play a key role in supporting the local community, acting as a catalyst for significant social change and impact. I have seen with my own eyes how they have helped so many young people in particular be their best, often in some very challenging circumstances.
Scott Breton, Social Investment Specialist, Onward Homes
How we’ve helped.
As a mother I feel The Foxton Centre is a massive part of our community. It brings people together, helps and supports us all, especially our children.
Foxton Women’s Services is extremely important to me because of the other women, they do so much for us, we would be lost without them.
The Foxton has never let me slip through the net. It has been there to drag me out of the darkness so many times.